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Rabbi Prof. Walter Homolka, PhD

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Campus Am Neuen Palais / Haus 15, Raum 1.08
Tel. 0331/977-124932
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E-Mail: whomolkauni-potsdamde


Consultation hours: 
Mondays by appointment

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Closer cooperation between Islam and Judaism in research and teaching

On 11 July 2024, Professor Dr Mouhanad Khorchide, Director of the Centre for Islamic Theology and Professor of Islamic Religious Education at the University of Münster, and Rabbi Professor Dr Walter Homolka from the Institute for Jewish Theology at the University of Potsdam agreed to collaborate more closely in research and teaching over the coming years. The cooperation will focus on the encounter between Judaism and Islam.

A joint course and excursion is already on the programme for the winter semester 2024/25: "Convivencia - Jews, Christians and Muslims in medieval Spain and today."  The focus will be on opportunities for interreligious dialogue today. 

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Akademic Degrees

BD, MPhil, PhD, PhD, DHL, Prof. d. School of Jewish Theology d. U Potsdam
Landesrabbiner a.D.


Akademic Career

BD U München, MPhil U of Wales Lampeter, PhD King's College London, PhD University of Wales Trinity Saint David, DHL Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion New York;

Guest Prof. School of Education New York U 96/97, Moses Mendelssohn Fellow U Potsdam 01/02, LBeauftr. U Potsdam 01, Rektor Abraham Geiger Kolleg U Potsdam seit 02, GastProf. Peter Pazmany U Budapest 03, VertrProf. U Potsdam 06, HonProf. U Potsdam 07, GuestProf. Old Dominion U Norfolk VA 09, Prof. f. Jüdische Religionsphilosophie d. Neuzeit, Sp Denominationen u. interreligiöser Dialog, School of Jewish Theology der U Potsdam.

Main Focus of Research

Modern jewish philosophy focus on denominations and inter-religious dialogue; jewish law

Academic Awards & Memberships

Internat. Hon. Citizen New Orleans 99, Israel Jacobson Pr. 01, Österr. Ehrenkreuz f. Wiss. u. Kunst 01, Leopold Moses Med. (Inst. f. d. Geschichte d. Juden in Österr.) 02, Goldenes Ehrenz. d. Landes Salzburg 02, Silbernes Ehrenz. f. Verdienste um d. Land Wien 02, Ritter d. Verdienstordens d. Rep. Italien 02, Offizier d. Nat. Verdienstordens 'Serviciul Credincios' d. Rep. Rumänien 02, Ritter d. Nat. Ordens d. Ehrenlegion d. Rep. Frankreich 04, Goldenes Ehrenz. f. Verdienste um d. Bundesland Niederösterr. 05, Großes Silbernes Ehrenz. f. Verdienste um d. Rep. Österr. 06, Mitgl. d. Europ. Akad. d. Wiss. u. Künste Salzburg, Kl. VII (Weltreligionen), Ehrenrabbiner Wien 10, Ehrenkreuz der Bundeswehr in Gold 10, Muhammad-Nafi-Tschelebi-Preis 11, Bundesverdienstkreuz 1. Klasse 15.

Current Research

Revision der Übersetzung der Tora von Rabbiner Ludwig Philippson.

Selective Bibliography